Sensu Collection

Designed with intention for form and function, our sensory collection, Sensu, features tactile/fidget, and sensory jewelry to encourage the release of anxiety and cultivate calm. 
Add a few drops of essential oil to any lava stone for a slow-release aroma-therapeutic effect - we suggest bio/organic, local, research-based aromas for largest benefit, particularly for depression, anxiety, and burnout (labor estrangement). Essential oils are powerful, aromatic, and can irritate sensitive skin or senses, especially for pets - please use sensibly.

We hope that every time you see or sense a piece of de Maquis jewelry, it reminds you to take a deep breath.

Regular price $50.00
Regular price $50.00
Regular price $40.00
From $60.00 Sold Out
From $35.00 Sold Out